I just love the idea of having full control of what has and should not appear on my site. I've done some updating today, well it's actually almost everyday that, on my blog settings and on my blogroll.
I've noticed that there have been some who visited my message board and asked to tag their sites to mine which I've done in almost instantly but I've noticed too that they haven't done their part also. And with reciprocity in mind, I thought that I would keep only those that have blogrolled me too on their site or otherwise I really liked the site that it would not matter if I was on their site.
So there, the names you see on my blogroll are those who have kept their part of the bargain or those blogs that I really liked. For some who didn't keep the part of the bargain, I had to stash them on the sides for the moment.
How about you? What's your criteria for blogrolling sites?
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
i do agree with you more so if it was really an exchange link. and yeah, i do the same thing. weed out the ones that didn't keep the end of the bargain.
would you be interested to x-links? thanks in advance.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
sure, be glad to add you up!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
build more quality links, cy (like those with higher PRs and site traffic). but then, one has to put more quality into one's blogs to be read and visited.
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