So it seems

Blogging have trickled my interest back to programming. I have had a background on a little about programming but that was way too long ago. I was even lucky enough to have had that exposure on a time when schools were still on the crossroad of inculcating computer technology to their curriculum. Luckier that it was in our batch in high school that we already had a one-to-one ratio, where one student would be assigned a computer set. Better was that the subject on computer basics and programming wasn't just an icing topic but we did dwelled deeper on the subject and at the end of the course would be a project incorporating all the basics learned for the semester.

People who are younger than my generation would definitely be amazed at this trivia. Amazed not because of the fact that we had programming in high school but amazed that I had to reach high school to better my knowledge on computer systems and applications. Children nowadays are even learning on some basics on computer technology as early as kindergarten. When we already speak about "mouse" to elementary graders, instincts tells them not anymore of rodents but of a peripheral in a computer set. The only storage devices that children could relate are diskettes but little did they know that diskettes should have been called as micro floppy drives as its predecessor was called as the mini floppy drive.

Technology has really changed since I first encountered the Personal Computer. And I don't see any sign of plateauing anytime soon. So, I'm riding the waves of excitement on the World Wide Web. I am an inch close to putting up my own website. The things that I think I'd learn from such experience are just so tempting. Add to that would be the possibility of earning some bucks while doing it makes it all the more interesting.

The only thing that is holding me back is the thought of what I’ll be putting on my site. Any ideas?