I had a good read from Jim Paredes' blog Writing on Air. It touches on a topic about how a lot of us are so focused on the "big" things that in the process we fail to recognize the smaller ones. This may not actually be what the Mr. Paredes would want to send as a message to his readers but that was how I grasped the idea. And I could only nod in agreement to such premise.

This is exactly true for me and I suppose for a lot of young professionals who have just seen their own potential and on how we could easily take on the world with our bare hands. We see life mostly of its "big" events that we feel disappointed when faced with situations where life is simply as being as it is. Simple that only subtle event captures us as of the moment and none of the grand standing that always was a spice of whatever was an issue at hand. That we feel a disappointment when we run at high speeds like crazy yet suddenly feel the stop sign and holds us still.

I could totally relate to the "fast and furious" ride as a corporate warrior in my earlier years in the profession. Having been given the opportunity of racing the league with other players in the nation's capital gave me the thought that I could easily unleash my abilities and win some on the process. These experiences gave me the exposure of like driving a Ferrari and accelerate from 0 to 100mph in under 6 seconds. As what Mr. Paredes rightly opined, being in such a race takes out ones opportunity to appreciate the little things in between. It felt at that time that a non-eventful day was a let down and was somehow a waist of time.

So I had known better to hit the brakes and rode a more subtle yet meaning ride in life. It is not after all only the "big" things that makes life worthwhile but rather the minute details that life offers that makes it worth a journey. It is in acknowledging the simple joys in life that makes it more beautiful and better to share with. Now, I see more of life on a more colorful view that I could better visualize how I have traveled so far by focusing not on the "spectacles" only but equally the little things that defines life in general.