Work Safety

In whatever career a person chooses to invest his or her time on to, it is not only enough that such person has the right skills and exposure needed for the task at hand. Equally important is the person’s dedication to the chosen profession or vocation. These two ingredients, right skills and dedication, are need for a person to be successful at work.

And because of this dedication that at times a worker goes beyond the call of duty and in the process risks life and limbs in the performance of the job. It is always thus a requirement that considering these risks, a worker observes safety measures to protect himself. Unfortunately, situations happen beyond anyone’s control and in an unexpected moment. Accidents are such that they at times occur even beyond safety precautions. It is on these situations that a worker needs
Accident Compensation. And it is in these times and situations that a worker needs assistance so as to be provided with the proper care.

It is equally important that
accident compensation assistance is provided by those which have integrity, independence and disposes the task at the interest of the worker. These claims can be done at the most professional way and thus is very relevant that a worker chooses the most knowledgeable professional services firm in handling accident compensation.

Updating Cebu City Dates

This calls for great for a celebration. I just noticed that this humble cebuano blogger got PR 3. Pinch me if I'm dreaming, otherwise Yippee!

Will this beautiful development mean better income opportunities? I don't know but sure do hope so. For more than a week of cubicled playground absence, simply meant that got a new to experiment, twist and tweak. My previous posts mentioned about a funny yet exciting attempt to launch a cebuano website. During the days of Cebuano Blogging absence meant days spent on I have named it Cebu Imaginations.

I do hope you could drop by sometime on the site and give me your ideas or opinion about it. Be expecting you guys there on my Cebu Imaginations.

Cebu City Blogging: A Stage Higher

This will be a quick one as I did not intend to post an entry. I'm bringing my blogging experiment to the next level! Nope, it will not be about improving my entries in terms of grammar or content. It will still be the same old mine-style blogging, and it will still be an add-on if visitors would continue reading my posts even if how terrible it may be. LOL! And I hope I get to share too some of the exciting stuffs that happens on this CEBU CITY BLOGGING, and better yet, give a vivid picture of that.

Now, going back to the purpose of this post. By bringing this blogging experience to a higher level means that I have already purchased a domain name and have availed of a web hosting service. Nothing extra-ordinary about that BUT as I have previously posted an entry on how I was enticed to setting-up a blogger account because of the opportunity to learn about web design, I think I can learn more if I set-up a website on my own. Though I may not be entirely starting from scratch as I intend to use available templates but this is going to be a great experience for me. It may even be quite messy and time-consuming but I wouldn't mind the hassles considering the tons of new things I will learn in the process. Already, I have made quite a lot of blunders and I think my webhost's support team has already flag a description beside my username with "Pain-in-the-part of the body". For the past two days now, I have probably emailed the tech support guys some of the most stupid questions a website-developer-wannabe would ever dare to ask, LOL!

Still, I'm really very much excited about the whole process and as I said, this will be quite messy, fortunately not for me but for my webhost. LOL! And with the hours I've spent trying to learn web development, I have learned so many new stuffs. I just hope I would learn faster than those tech support guys losing their patience on me.

(See, I'm supposed to be doing some CEBU CITY BUSINESS stuffs this late in the evening but I can't stop talking about my experiment. Can't wait to have it all done and then do some more! Still I think I am well within the tolerable level of web-development-addiction as the wife haven't complained yet but already too, she's quite worried on the spendings of the Digital SLR project. LOL!) Ah! Boys will always be boys!

Connecting to the Blogging Community

In today's age, the world have been closer by the day. Though not physically as it still takes the same "x" kilometers to travel from home to destination but reaching it have all been easier. Technology have given each one of us a wider range of means to reaching-out to people yet at the comfort and time we wish. With emails, online social networking, Voice Over IP, instant messaging, mobile communications, there are varied ways to choose and only one's resourcesfullness is the limit to how one can take advantage of these tools. Online diaries, which we all know as Blog, have developed into quite an interesting tool over the years. It has evolved from being a personal expression tool to now a varied ways of connecting to people especially to friends.

I have joined
PayPerPost as this gives me more opportunities to write something which I am passionate about. It gives me the drive to better my niche on online business blogs and ups the ante on weblogs. I have been yearning for about sometime of when I could join the payperpost community and join thousands of bloggers talk about stuff they feel confident about and expresses more the ideas of what their blogs would want to represent. Being a CEBUANO BLOGGER makes me be open to the marketplace of the world and connects me to the world of blogging.

This is the beauty that I see on
PayPerPost and have enticed me to join the community of review blogging.


A great valentines day gift to all our OFWs and those who are planning to find better pastures outside of the country. Yesterday, VALENTINES DAY, the Philippine Overseas Employment Authority suspended the implementation of the new rule on direct hiring of Filipinos by Foreign Companies based outside the country. I posted an entry with regards to this new POEA rule here. This is great news as prospective employers of Filipino Skilled Workers will have lesser red tape in hiring directly from the Philippines.

Just so I could get the word out especially to my friends who are working abroad. This is great news really! You can find the full text of the memorandum

Spending Time

So today is valentines day. Now what? There are actually quite a lot of things that people do to celebrate valentines day. Most of whom celebrate it by having dinner with a loved one. That is the reason a lot of restaurants consider valentines day as a very busy day. But of course, couples would definitely want to spend time in a romantic ambience and restaurants simply cater to that need.

In these days and age though, a lot of people want to spend valentines day in a unique experience. What better unique way to spend valentines day by sharing it in a casino. Where and how to spend it may be planned ahead by
online casino reviews sites. For those who prefer to spend time on a much exclusive place and decide to spend valentines day on their homes, some may even play online casino games and share the thrills and excitement. And spend the night away with an undivided attention with your special someone. Who knows, lady luck must be her - right by your side. Fun and excitement


I've displayed a badge given by a fellow cebuano blogger which I set-up at my left side bar. It shouts "CEBUANO BLOGGER". And yes I am, a CEBUANO blood runs through this author's veins. I've been born and have lived most of my life in CEBU CITY.


I had a good read from Jim Paredes' blog Writing on Air. It touches on a topic about how a lot of us are so focused on the "big" things that in the process we fail to recognize the smaller ones. This may not actually be what the Mr. Paredes would want to send as a message to his readers but that was how I grasped the idea. And I could only nod in agreement to such premise.

This is exactly true for me and I suppose for a lot of young professionals who have just seen their own potential and on how we could easily take on the world with our bare hands. We see life mostly of its "big" events that we feel disappointed when faced with situations where life is simply as being as it is. Simple that only subtle event captures us as of the moment and none of the grand standing that always was a spice of whatever was an issue at hand. That we feel a disappointment when we run at high speeds like crazy yet suddenly feel the stop sign and holds us still.

I could totally relate to the "fast and furious" ride as a corporate warrior in my earlier years in the profession. Having been given the opportunity of racing the league with other players in the nation's capital gave me the thought that I could easily unleash my abilities and win some on the process. These experiences gave me the exposure of like driving a Ferrari and accelerate from 0 to 100mph in under 6 seconds. As what Mr. Paredes rightly opined, being in such a race takes out ones opportunity to appreciate the little things in between. It felt at that time that a non-eventful day was a let down and was somehow a waist of time.

So I had known better to hit the brakes and rode a more subtle yet meaning ride in life. It is not after all only the "big" things that makes life worthwhile but rather the minute details that life offers that makes it worth a journey. It is in acknowledging the simple joys in life that makes it more beautiful and better to share with. Now, I see more of life on a more colorful view that I could better visualize how I have traveled so far by focusing not on the "spectacles" only but equally the little things that defines life in general.


Just to update the Cebu City Map to the World, some exciting things are unfolding locally and nationally. I just don't know if we ought to be happy about or brace ourselves for yet another power struggle. Nah, I'd better leave politics to politicians, better they have something to do at least! I'm talking about the nonstop tale of the ZTE DEAL for the supposed NATIONAL BROADBAND NETWORK PROJECT of the Philippines. Just another reason to shout for a change of President. Exciting really!

Locally, there's the BANILAD-TALAMBAN FLY-OVER project in my beloved CEBU CITY. Apparently, that is how we CEBUANOS are going to solve the traffic problem in said area. Can't wait for it be done or see where this traffic problem ends up. I just don’t know what it is with CEBU CITY and transportation. If we don’t get problematic about traffic congestion, we worry about car smuggling. Exciting again!

On my blogging front, my blog on MAKING COWS TURN TO CASH is still creating traffic. Might have hit some good SEO stuffs on FINANCIAL RATIO there. On the CUBICLED world, our number warrior are already busy with INCOME TAX COMPUTATIONS. Locally, the enforcing agency on top of ITR FILING is the BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE while in the US is the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. Those are quite boring stuffs! LOL!

At this time of the year, SUMMER SEASON would have already been starting but rain still pours in quite frequently. Nevertheless, CEBU CITY MAP is just the right stuff for me.

My BUCKET LIST Reflection

Don't ask me again if where and how I saw BUCKET LIST, the only thing relevant is that I've seen it. I'd like to share with you a sort of "my movie review" of the film, but this is definitely not a spoiler. A caution though, this movie’s genre is definitely not for teenagers. You may also have to be ready to feel the weight of sadness after watching the movie. If you want to have to feel relaxed, you’d better not buy tickets for this movie.

The Plot:
Bucket list showcases a simplest story telling outline without useless fancy twists thus gives the viewers more focus on the dept of what the story intends to deliver. It begins with a traditional backgrounder of each character and slowly develops the storyline of how the movie would evolve. The movie's beginning tends to be dragging and a bit boring but equally important to the entire storyline as this lay-out starter is the foundation of what develop as the story goes on.

The Actors:
Morgan Freeman's calm and humble persona and Jack Nicholson's sarcastic and straight-forward character was a great mixture to portray a story as deep as bucket list. The two were perfect for the roles which gave credit and further realism to the crisis the characters fought to overcome. MORGAN FREEMAN and JACK NICHOLSON - enough said, you know the works.

The Message:
Beyond the magnificent settings the movie showcased, it was the depth of the conversation that will move viewers to a lot of realizations. The movie's theme for me was: making up for lost dreams, where we realize that it is not important of how we will become but how we have lived our lives. The message was definitely not new as there have been a lot of movies that showcased such situations, but as it is in life, we will always never be tired of seeing people rise above crisis situations. More so, even if it meant that there would be no escaping destiny yet it is of the fashion that we face it with that will show our strength and character. I was moved by a scene in which the characters were in Egypt. It said that when people die, a question is given to one who wants to enter heaven and these are: 1 - Have you experienced joy in your life? And; 2 - Have you given joy to others?

Definitely a good movie for the weekend.

Searching for the Right Kind of Love

Love creates meaning to things we do. Beyond the trials we go through in our life journeys, it is always with a loved one that we surpass all of it. Be it love between parents to children, sons and daughters to parents, friends, husband and wife, man and woman, there are varied ways of expressing these by one to another.

The way we manifest our love may not be the same for everyone. As equally relevant is a person's uniqueness, each person requires too, different types of loving attention. Love may be shown to by how much we care for another person. A great tool to finding this care information is through the internet. Nursing homes vary to the type of services they provide thus is essential that we care search carefully. Through nursing home search engines, we find information on care.

My Mumblings on Cebu City Map

I have been mumbling about politics but I haven't just gotten the courage to post it on a blog. I consider my political inclination as personal and would rather keep it to myself. But I am making this post as an exception. And hopefully, this would be one of the few if not the only post that would include a personal opinion with regards to politics.

So here we go again. It's hard to resist something like things even if I'm just mumbling in my own CUBICLED PLAYGROUND in this humble CEBU CITY MAP. It never ceases to amaze me how we could always associate a month with a particular issue. Are we overly sensationalizing news items or it is because we FILIPINOS SIMPLY LOVE an event. Pardon my hypothesis but is it because it ligthens us up by focusing more on stuffs of a so-called "NATIONAL INTEREST ISSUE" and drags it for months or even years rather than solving the grass roots problem of our society?

So what if we change the SPEAKER of the LOWER HOUSE OF CONGRESS, it isn't the first time anyways. For a lack of a better hobby, why not also change the PRESIDENT as well, we've been quite adjusted to it anyways. It's not like its not a natural occurrence, isn't it? A broadband deal gone bad is just too hard to resist for an issue to call for a PRESIDENT's ouster. For crying out loud, have you just heared such demands for the first time? This have always been a hot issue even for a CEBU CITY MAP. And while we're at it, why not change the constitution?

Oh, when will we ever get tired of all these an focus on something that we all can be proud off. Can the CEBU CITY MAP push for autonomy? Just thinking out loud. For all this is worth, this could be part of my SEO experiment.


I don't know if for how long have I mentioned this but I have been yearning to put-up a website of my own. It's just that - a website, from my beloved CEBU CITY to the world. As to whatever I would eventually put in is just totally a mixture of sorts in my mind. There are quite a lot of things I do that I think I could get inspiration from in setting up the site and its contents.

I'm thinking of something that somehow a little transaction occurs right in my CEBU CITY doorsteps. Though I don't have a clear picture of whatever I sell online, I'm definitely going to use a
shopping cart software. Transactions are done easier with the help of an ecommerce software that is reliable and makes this fast and safe.

Once I've organized things to set-up the site, I'm consiring using a shopping cart software.
CEBU CITY blogging has just made this opportunity all the more exciting.

10 Random Things About Me…

Nightdreamer shared this post to about 10 of us in his dopeblogs and I’m sharing it also:

1. This has to be first amongst others, I’m itching to have me a Digital SLR Camera. The earliest time on realizing that dream would be the last week of February but definitely before June 2008. Already, the wife is complaining about the incoming toy. I’m thinking about getting a brand new Nikon D40x or a 8-month old D80 from a former high school classmate, now a doctor in New York City which means that I’d be getting a 100% genuine D80 if I decide to get it. But I’m fixed to getting the darkside already.

2. I started blogging sometime June 2007 where I signed up for free hosting via wordpress. It was Novz who showed me the cool stuffs I could do with blogger, not to mention the earning possibilities, that I transferred to to it sometime November 2007. I carried the same blog title that I had when I started with wordpress.

3. I talk to myself when I’m alone in the car or sing out loud, either that or I’m not driving or not alone in the car.

4. I don’t play basketball, nor do I watch it. The last time I got interested on watching basketball was when Michael Jordan was playing for the bulls. I know how to dribble or shot, but never played competitive basketball even in my teens.

5. I played badminton for 3 years during weekends, the last time being in 2006. Until now, I haven’t seen my badminton rackets since I stacked it in my cabinet since last year.

6. I’m a computer games geek. I play a lot of campaign scenario games. I know “Empire Earth” is such an outdated game but I love the idea of sending a nation to battle. I mostly play it on the “Dark Ages” scenario. I once played it for 10 hours straight, from 10PM to 7AM.

7. I’m currently searching for a good template to use for my planned photo blog.

8. I plan to join the sinulog photo contest by next year (January). I’ve seen the winners of this year’s photo contest and I think it wasn’t that demanding, but they were definitely quite a lot of good takes. I fairly have an idea of where to get inspirations for the photos during the event. I know quite a lot with regards to what events are, both religious and civic, during the festival.

9. The most complicated stuff I know how to cook is “leche plan” but I’m proud to say that I make darn good ones.

10. This wasn’t a random list since I first thought what I wanted to share that were not yet known of me in blog world.

I’m sharing this tag to Siu, Eds, Juliana and Francine and Neil.


There are two huge issues in the country these days. These things definitely involve politics though one of them directly affects the Filipino people more than the other, and of course includes the CEBU CITY MAP.

Issue number one is about the looming power war for the SPEAKERSHIP OF THE LOWER HOUSE OF CONGRESS. The battle for dominance and influence will be shown most probably this afternoon as CONGRESS may do voting on who, between the current speaker JOSE DE VENECIA JR. and challenger CONGRESSMAN NOGRALES of DAVAO CITY, will lead the Philippine Lower House. Though both are affiliated with the PRESIDENT GMA, both have been holding their own caucauses to convince fellow congressmen to take to their sides for a now definite HOUSE SPEAKERSHIP BATTLE. As CEBUANOS in the CEBU CITY MAP, we now only witness on the sidelines the power war that may start this afternoon. My hope is that may these two distinguished gentlemen always remember that whatever they are fighting for may benefit the majority of the FILIPINO PEOPLE and not just the select few who only wants to expand their influence and richness at the sake of a PHILIPPINE STABILITY.

Issue number two is the issue on a new law affecting our OFWs. It says:

Stricter rules on direct hiring of OFW was issued recently by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration. The rules which takes effect on January 15, 2008 allows direct hiring of OFWs by foreign employers only upon approval by the Secretary of Labor and subject to screening of employers and employment contract verification by the Labor Attaché or the Philippine Embassy.

Direct hiring may be allowed only for members of the diplomatic corps and of international organizations, government officials of m inisterial level, and employers who are hiring on one-time or trial basis. The number of employees to be hired directly shall not exceed 5.

More on this new can be found at this link.
I think this adversely affects the competitiveness of our OFWs in finding jobs outside of the country. I just hope the benefits further outweigh the disadvantage that this new law may bring to the CEBU CITY MAP and to the Filipino working population.

Online Business Made Easy

Corporations in these days and age, especially those engaged in the trading business employ both traditional and new methods of reaching out to its market. Equally important is a Company’s ability to provide real-time solutions from human’s most basic need to the most bizarre vanity.

When I used to work for a telecommunications company, reaching out to consumers meant going beyond the usual “Customer-Buys-In-Store” concept. The company had to bring the product literally outside the confines of a CUBICLED selling area and offer them in varied of ways which involved “Open-Field Booths” where there were activities that gathered a good number of people, “house-to-house selling”, and initiated promotional activities with combined selling programs.

These sales techniques have been further intensified due to competition. It is also because of intense competition that Companies must be ever present anywhere their products/services are deemed useful and anytime a consumer deems its products/services essential. It is thus of these realizations that Corporations dedicate websites to further the presence however they can including on the World Wide Web. Further enhancing that presence is the ability to trade online with customers.

A useful tool to cater to that ecommerce activity is through
shopping carts. An important consideration in choosing for a suitable service provider on hosted shopping cart software is its connectivity with major banks and credit cards, gateways and third party processors including Paypal. The leading provider on a complete solution for merchants to sell online is Ashop Commerce.

Partners that makes ecommerce easier and faster offers wider access to products and services to customers anywhere in the world.

A Welcome from SMORTY

I have mentioned in a previous post how Blogosphere have made the world smaller. I could travel, gossip (haha!) and be informed of the news with just about anything and anyone though simply be in a little nook in CEBU CITY.

With the latest e-commerce driven developments on the Internet, it has now become easier to transact with someone, at the other end of the world from where I am located. Web logs are now mostly driven with not just with a person’s event in life but also as a form of a profit venture. A known profit venture of that sort is blog advertising. Smorty, one of the better known service provider in connecting bloggers to advertisers, gives me that opportunity. Once I signed-up for membership, in no time I received approval status and came with that were opportunities to get paid for blogging. I only had to write opinions or reviews on advertisers and provide readers with the advertiser's link.

It was that simple really, so why don’t you give that blogging muscle some adverstising money for a while. Its amazing to know how you earn dollars right at the comfort of your own homes, and in my case, right at the middle of CEBU CITY.

Cebu City Map to Business: SPEED DATING in CEBU CITY

Advertisements are now much more open on this activity since it first invaded the CEBU CITY MAP some three years ago. I am talking about SPEED DATING in CEBU CITY. The concept of this is to go out of one's comfort zone by widening a person's circle of friends. Through Speed Dating, a person could meet friends and probably, develop a more intimate relationship with one of the participants. This is just one opener for VALENTINES happening over the weekend in CEBU CITY MAP.

My opinion could be summed up in three words: WAY TO GO! This activity invites CEBU CITY's eligible bachelors and single ladies in a specifically intended venue for such. Three years ago when I first knew of this activity, I have just heard of it from a friend who was excited to join the activity. Though I did not join it, I heard that it involved some cocktail tables where single ladies would wait. Bachelors would be given a 5-minute limit to a lady in waiting and after such time, he would have to go to another cocktail table and in no way would be given the chance to go back to any lady he has approached earlier. The concept is to Speed Date, and hook up to her in 5 to 10 minutes depending on the rules set by the organizers.

CEBU CITY MAP has indeed evolved from timid, conservative singles to now more open ways of meeting people. Cebuanos have now played by the rules of world yet maintaining a culture of its own and is all the more displaying CEBU CITY MAP.