But with that short span of time that I got to have a peek of the blogging world, one by-word could easily be identified and that was Page Ranking. Well, what is that anyways? I did not know then and I don't know more now. For all I care is that this so-called page ranking somehow gives a site higher authority than others. Higher authority means that the Google search engine have archived enough pages from your website that when a phrase related to your site is searched, your URL address is given higher preference or authority. But I can be wrong, I am not an expert on this. I just interpret it by the way I have experienced SEO experimentation so far.
The benefit that I got from this Page Ranking thing was the opportunity to earn paid postings were widened. I got to qualify to post on higher paying opportunities than before. But I know as like in anything, this has to be done in a lot of moderation so as not to lose that long-awaited page ranking.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
got some specific steps to help us with page ranking?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
You can do off-page and on-page SEO maximization. But on-page maximization, to my opinion is more effective. One would be to CAPITALIZE your post title that contains the keyword you are trying to optimize. Two, your post should contain your keyword in the first two sentences and sporadically in the middle paragraph and another one on the last paragraph. Just a caution though, your keywords must fit rightly to you post as otherwise, this may be considered by google as spamming.
Your keywords are stronger when you capitalize the word, and at the same time highlight it in bold format. But who would want to read that type of post, would it? It's all about good balance and perfect moderation.
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